Joy of Europe – Fine Arts Competition

City Administration of Belgrade – Secretariat for Culture
and Children’s Cultural Centre Belgrade
are organizing
The XXII International Drawing and Painting Competition Joy of Europe




Due to the challenge we are facing concerning the global coronary virus pandemic, we have decided to cancel the program related to the International Art Competition “Joy of Europe” planned for this year. Since that Art Meeting in Belgrade has been the essence of our International Art Competition for more than two decades and support to a natural and creative way of life, we have decided to organize a virtual Art Meeting this year!

In February this year, the Children’s Cultural Center Belgrade announced a Call for the XXII International Art Competition “Joy of Europe” with the desire to participate as many children and young people around the world. The epidemiological situation thwarted the program, but we want to preserve continuity of the competition and adapt to new circumstances.

The XXII International Art Competition “Joy of Europe 2020” will have a character of Review Exhibition. Art works of children and youth, created in artistic studios that have been present for over a decade in Art Exhibitions of “Joy of Europe”  competition will be presented. If possible, it would be desirable if you could send the artworks by e-mail and the expert jury will select the works that will be presented in the virtual gallery.

We want not to break the tradition! That is why this year’s Art Meeting will be a review show! On-call artistic studios will be presented.

We appeal for understanding to all those who had already sent us artworks by mail from the country and abroad. Their works will be included in the selection in 2021, when we all hope that Belgrade will bring back that live meeting of children from around the world through various forms of artistic expression including the Exhibition of Awarded Artworks of the Art Competition “Joy of Europe”!


Mrs Lidija Seničar, Editor of International Art Competition “Joy of Europe”



This year’s International Art Competition for the 22nd time invites children and young creators (from 4 to 18 years of age) from all over the world to use their rich palette and show that the true creative value of the children’s art creation has been recognized and confirmed from the perspective of deep psychology and modern view of art.

The essence of international art competition and the exhibitions that follow is first and foremost an artistic encounter, support to the natural and creative way of living, since that is the only way to unite the intellectual, sensual and emotional. It also represents a form of reaching dialogue, since artistic expression is above anything else a form of communication.




The competition is open to individuals, preschools, schools, children’s art studios, children’s cultural centres and similar children’s institutions and associations.

  • Competition is open to all children from 4 to 18 years of age.
  • The topic is free.
  • We accept works on paper in various techniques (pencil, watercolour, tempera, gouache, aquarelle, pastel, Indian ink, collage, combined techniques on paper)
  • Works should not be fitted or framed, and, because of the possibility of damage, sculptures, ceramics, mosaics and works done in similar techniques will not be accepted.
  • Maximum size of the works of art should be 500 x 700 mm.
  • Individual participants can send up to three works in different techniques, and institutions and associations up to 20 works by different authors.
  • The back of each work MUST CONTAIN the table/form we attach to this document, with all the data filled in.
  • The participants must fill in on the computer all the fields of the form (in most cases hand-filled forms are illegible and they make communication more difficult)




Works must be original and done without any help, created in 2019 or 2020, and never shown at another international competition or exhibition. Submitted works will not be returned. Deadline for submissions is July 1st, 2020


Send your works to the following address:

Dečji kulturni centar Beograd, Takovska 8, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia




Jury of experts will choose entries for the exhibition and give out prizes in individual and group categories for five age groups:

I category includes children aged 4, 5 and 6
II category includes children aged 7, 8 and 9
III category includes children aged 10, 11 and 12
IV category includes children aged 13, 14 and 15
V category includes children aged 16, 17 and 18

Winners of first prizes for individuals in all five categories will be guests of Belgrade and the International Gathering of Children of Europe “Joy of Europe” in the period between September 28th and October 2nd, 2020, with the cost of their accommodation covered by organizers, while they will receive their award at the ceremonial opening of the exhibition held on September 28th. The prize winners will have to cover their own travel expenses.

Director of Children’s Cultural Centre Belgrade
Dragan Marić, MA


Additional information:

Lidija Senicar, editor of the art competition
Children’s Cultural Centre
Takovska 8, Belgrade

tel. +381 11/ 32 32 043, 011/ 32 42 011
fax +381 11/ 32 42 314
cell: +381 60 167 33 45

e- mail:

Fine Arts Competition – Application for participation (.doc)



  1. Pingback: XVI Concurso Internacional de Belas Artes – “Joy of Europe” | Blog da Direcção Regional de Cultura do Algarve

  2. Hello !

    Where you can see the results of the competition 2014?And members work in the gallery?
    Thank you!
    Inta Vītoliņa
    Art studio “O” Latvia
    +371 29 207 218

  3. Hola que tal¡
    Saludos desde Guadalajara Jalisco México¡¡¡
    Soy maestro de una escuela creativa para niños y me gustaría saber si este año tendrán su concurso a nivel internacional.
    Espero su respuesta.

    Gracias Excelente día.

  4. Hi,

    I ama writing to you from Turkey as a primary and secondary school teacher and would like to participate with my children to the international painting competition. Just I want to learn that how can we apply for it and do we need to send the crafts as directly or will we upload them to a database?
    Thanks and best regards,
    Emrah Durmaz
    Language Teacher

  5. Dear Lidija Senicar,
    Please let us know whether some children of our Organization ” YOUNG ENVOYS INTERNATIONAL” from India find a place in he list of Prize Winners of the 2014 Competition.
    Dr. B.A. Reddy

  6. Respected Madam,

    We thanks to you that you send us certificates of participants somehow we did not get medal for 1st prize for collection for Jay Art Group, Bhavnagar, Gujarat (India) “Third Age Category Children From 10 to 12”.

    Thanks and Regards,

    For Jay Art Group,

    Rekha D. Chauhan. 

  7. Respected Madam,

    We thanks to you that you send us certificates of participants somehow we did not get medal for 1st prize for collection for Jay Art Group, Bhavnagar, Gujarat (India) “Third Age Category Children From 10 to 12″.

    Thanks and Regards,

    Frome;- HOBBY CENTER Bhavnagar(Gujarat) India

  8. Dear Lidija Senicar,,
    Thank you very much for posting the results of the XVII International painting competition. Also for selecting some of our students for the Awards and Diplomas.
    Wish you all success in organizing the event.
    Dr. B. A. Reddy, D.Litt
    Young Envoys International, India.

  9. Hello, may I know more about the International Fine Arts Competition JOY OF EUROPE 2016? If you have any new updates, please let me know.
    Thanks and regards,

  10. Hello. I have sent to you one of my paint for competition Joy of Europea 2017. How we can know did you recieve it?

  11. Thanks for organizing such type of competitions which will help us develop our skill .
    Tanuj Samaddar
    C/o Tapas Samaddar
    Station Road
    RANGIA 781365 Assam INDIA

  12. Dear Sirs,
    Could you please kindly let me know where we can see the artworks in the contest 2017?
    And also please kindly let me know how to attend the Joy of Euro 2017 for the 1st place of the award winner in the art contest?


    • Winner of gold medals “Joy of Europe” in the individual competition and one or there adult companions will be invited to be guests of Belgrade and the International Gathering of Children of Europe “Joy of Europe 2017” in the period from 2 to 5 October 2017. The awards will be officially presented at the exhibition, which will be held on October 2th. Travelling expenses to and from Belgrade will be met by the prizewinners. The costs of accomodation will be covered by the organizers.
      Artworks will be displayed at the exhibition and on our webiste.

  13. I am an Indian, living in Mexico. My daughter us interested in participating this contest. Can she participate as well? Thanks in advance.

  14. We live in Houston USA and my daughter wants to participate. Can we scan her artwork and send it via email or post it in a database? I sent the question via email
    but have not received an answer.

    • Respected,

      yes you can send her artwork via email. We are sorry that you haven’t received an answer for your email. Did you sent your email to ? Currently a lot of ours colleagues are on vacations so that might be the reason. Thank you for your’s participation.

  15. Hello, could we submit only by email? Which email address to send our photo? Thanks. Best regards

    • Hello,

      results will be known during the month of September, expect them in middle of the month.

      Best regards.

  16. Hello, when will we know the result of the competition 2019? And where I can see the arts works of the winners?

  17. May I know if it is ok for us to submit the art work and drawings by email for Fine Arts Competition 2020, especially during the current outbreak ?

    • Respected,

      yes, you can still submit your artwork via email. Thank you for participating.
      Stay safe.

  18. Hello! I have sent you email about the competition but still do not receive reply.
    We are participants from Hong Kong but we cannot send the pictures out of the country due to the Corona disease. So we can still sending the pictures through e-mail? Which email address is it?Hope we can receive your reply.
    THank you!!!

  19. Greeting from Hong Kong. Thank you for holding the amazing art contest an art contest . And a number of our students tried their best to finish their drawings. Nevertheless, the flight is badly affected by the corona virus and the delivery service is stopped. Can we send the drawings by email or can the deadline be postponed? Our students will be very upset if they miss the chance.
    Which email address is it?Hope we can receive your reply.

    • Respected,

      thank you so much participating in our art contest in these troubled times. Hard work of your students is truly inspiring.
      You can send your work to, she is our art director.

      Stay safe.

  20. Respected sir,
    Hello ! I hope you are doing well. As you know we are participating in the competition organised by your organization every year and even this year we are ready with couple of Drawings. But due to this present pandamic situation of covid-19 we were unable to communicate with students and because of that some of our drawings are still incomplete. It will be so kind of you if you can able to give us some more days to complete the Drawings.
    Thank you
    With best regards
    Rekha D Chauhan

  21. Hi. I’m from Hong Kong.
    I sent you the artwork via email a few days ago. I would like to know when I could receive a confirmation email ? I want to make sure my artwork has been properly received. Thanks.

    • Hello,

      we received your artwork, I just checked it. Our artwork director is on vacation and has limited access to email, that is a reason for slight delay. Thank you so much for participating and submitting your artwork.

      Best regards and stay safe.

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